Kishore Kunjeer
Kishore, a Pune based leading entrepreneur having over a decade of solid experience in the software industry. He has been successfully associated closely with Agri marketing, Packaging industry, Foreign trade and Real estate business. To his credit, Kishore has also represented several social as well as government organizations at senior levels.
Rahul Wable
Rahul has over 7 years of experience in GIS and Software development. He has been instrumental in streamlining the operations and manufacturing processes of several organisations ensuring overall growth with quality throughput. Futuristic as well as revolutionary approach, is his strong suit.

Dr. Avinash Bhondwe
- President, I.M.A. Pune Branch , 2008-09
- President, General Practitioners' Association, Pune ( 2006 – 2007 )
- Org. Chairman, GPCON 2006
- Hon. Secretary, IMA College of General Secretary, Maharashtra, State,
(2009 – 2010) - President Rotary Club of Pune Shaniwarwada ( 2004 – 2005 )
Dr. Avinash , a leading Family Physician is associated with many medical & social organizations. Being family physician and also associated with many other leading hospitals in Pune, Dr. Avinash, has a great firsthand experience in Health Industry. Dr. Avinash has great achievements to his credit for abovementioned organizations.
Dr. Avinash is associated with Ackcezione' for designing the brilliant solutions to meet the exact requirements of Doctors, the main decision makers & pillars of the Health Industry. He believes & values utmost the artificial intelligence in software solutions, since it adds value. This helps Doctors to make accurate & comprehensive decisions, needless to say, patients are naturally benefitted for better possible treatments. Nowadays, when Medical treatment is professional as well as legal responsibility of the Doctors, AI ( Artificial Intelligence ) is definitely a futuristic step in Health Industry.
Every clinic, hospital, diagnostic centre has its strong points which we normally call as their area of expertise. This needs to be treasured while designing ( customizing ) the software solution for them. Dr. Avinash has his own proven conduct for dealing this and also have some innovative concepts to manage the hospitals & their functionality. He has some innovative concepts for Polyclinic & medium sized hospitals.
He has availed social & organizational platform for reaching out to masses with his innovative ideas.

Shivaji R. Salunke, (Masters of Tech. Dairy and Food Engg.)
Master of Technology, (Dairy and Food Engineering),
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 1978.
Bachelor of Technology, (Agriculture Engineering), M.P.K.V. Agriculture University, India, 1976
Master of Technology, (Dairy and Food Engineering),
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 1978.
Bachelor of Technology, (Agriculture Engineering), M.P.K.V. Agriculture University, India, 1976
Shivaji R. Salunke, has been working as Specialist in Agro- processing for past three decades & over. Agro - Processing is a vast field and involves a variety of processing technologies and unit operations. Applied engineering being main forte, he has given comprehensive consultancy for establishing agro- processing units including utilization of waste. He has been always keen on selecting appropriate technologies to be adopted for setting up the units.
Shivaji has great command over creating innovative business options in Agri processing , based on available raw material. He has an upper hand in making study reports & has done the same for both Central as well as State Government of India. A study on competitiveness of agro-processing sector with special reference to fall out of WTO regulations was prepared for the state of Maharashtra. Pioneering Suggestions and recommendation were made for improving the agro-sector competitiveness.
In post conflict region of Afghanistan, majority of farmers are poor, having scanty land holdings & some livestock. Being illiterate they were obviously cut off from the latest know how & developments. It was a herculean task to convince them for modern techniques & uplift their standard of living. Shivaji, has this amazing achievement to his credit. Shivaji has been instrumental in arresting villagers migration to cities vide his training programs conducted under entrepreneurship development, which has resulted in fetching good entrepreneurial opportunities.
Professional Track: Joined PADCO/ AECOM for its Alternative Development Project in North Afghanistan - Badakshan as Director, Natural Resource Manager. Responsibilities consists of setting up agro-input chain of stores, post harvest processing facilities, monitoring of sub-contractors for improving animal husbandry practices, demonstrating fattening of livestock, co-operatives strengthening, and traders association. Through feeding silage, feed concentrate and green fodder in feedlots for improving livestock. Assisting in adopting appropriate technologies for small scale production of fruits and cereal based production. Implemented farm store program that supports farmer's co-operatives for purchasing of modern farming, harvesting and processing techniques for improving yield and reducing wastage.
February 06 to September 2007, Working as Agro-Process Manager for Alternative Livelihood Program - South project for USAID funded project being implemented in Helmand, South Afghanistan by Chemonics International Inc. Washington DC. During 19 months tenure, prepared feasibility and market reports, scope of work for new projects, annual work plans, technical specifications for procurement contracts, fortnightly and quarterly reports. Shivaji was responsible for designing and implementing of Kandahar Orchard Project worth $ 5 million that assisted the farmers and traders of fresh and dried fruits for adding value and marketing of produce and products. Set up four mini-feed mills in operation in Kandahar and Helmand. Designing and monitoring of veterinary project that provides training for paravets, laboratory technicians and artificial insemination ($ 1.8 million) and set up mini-feed mills for livestock. Provide technical assistance to traders and farmers associations in exports of fresh and dried fruits exports. Prepared technical specifications for obtaining quotes of equipment for cumin processing, shrink pack, pomegranate grader, cold storage and packaging materials for various fresh and dried fruits products. Set up mini-feed mills for livestock and train the cooperative managers and private owners in operation and developing feed mixes. Advice farmers on setting up dairy units and rear cattle under hygienic conditions and with assistance of paravets trained under veterinary field units, provide veterinary health care. Preparing of feasibility reports and business plans for agro-based industries projects - dairy, cattle feed, fruits and vegetable processing, flour mill, edible oil extraction plant, etc.
2003 - 2005 Director Operations, (Part time), NHB Agro-Industries Pvt. Ltd, Goa and Independent Consultant, Agland Investment Inc., California, in Afghanistan for RAMP sub-contractor. Set up a cashew processing unit with value added products to be marketed as health snack food. Obtained loan for our unit and expanded the capacity four folds. Obtained loan for unit expansion (Rs. 20 million) and Rs. 40 million short term loan under warehousing loan facility from Commercial Bank. Supervised, develop and implement new processing techniques and packaging of cashew and cashew products and put the unit in commercial production. Also worked as a independent consultant during the same period for banks, consultancy and private firms.
2004 - 2005 : Tile: Post Harvest Consultant and Food Process Engineer (5 months) Intermittent Project: RAMP, Kabul and Kandahar, Afghanistan & India.
2004 Post harvest and marketing consultant, project for export of grapes in Afghanistan, Agland Investment Services Inc., Roots of Peace, USAID, Kabul, Afghanistan. Trained farmers and traders in quality management and post harvest technology for packaging and storage of grapes and backward integration. Lead Afghan trader delegation to India and provided first hand information on grape markets, packaging and cold chain, cultivation practices. Provided marketing support in India and feed back on grape quality, packaging, logistics difficulties, market demand and requirements, interaction with Indian Traders and consumers. Provided recommendations to improve problems faced during transport through cold chain, and suggested improvements in grading and packaging methods for grapes. Exposure of traders and farmers to appropriate technology for converting grapes into raisins which would assist them to reduce drying cycles and capital costs was an important part of tour. Prepared a Manual for Selection of Packaging System for Almonds and suggested various packaging methods for almond in accordance to market requirement in India and UAE.
1997 - 2003 Independent Consultant: Provided consultancy to the Prime US contractor of USAID funded project, Government of India and Maharashtra provincial government.
Assignments included:
Agri-Business Advisor, Agriculture Commercialization & Enterprise (ACE) Project, USAID. Report on Public and private participation for infrastructure development and cold chain in Maharashtra. Prepared feasibility report for setting up of cold storage project for state warehousing corporation during ACE project. Associate Consultant to MITCON for various projects in dairy and agro-processing sector. Provided technical consultancy for export of mangoes from Maharashtra to European countries.
Consultant, Maharashtra State Government. Organized the event "Agro-Advantage Maharashtra" an international seminar in 1999. Projects and sectors profile preparation for various agro-industries and made presentation at international convention held at Mumbai where nearly 500 participants from all over the country and consul of different countries participated. Preparation of report for industrial growth centers in the state of Maharashtra. Recent reports for Revival of grape pre-cooling and cold storage industries and Status and Trends of Food Processing Industry in Maharashtra (Ministry of Food Processing). Regional Development Plans for Government of Maharashtra in horticulture sector. Policy and strategies to provide boost to agro-processing industry. (1998-2001).
Guided a team of market and WTO experts for preparation of report for central banking institutions for WTO implications in India for various agriculture commodities and products. Report highlighted competitiveness of agriculture produce/products produced in India and possibilities of processing for value addition and market in various countries. Recommendations and suggestions were made to over come various production and processing bottle necks.
1993 – 1997 : Local Coordinator, ACE Project, Chemonics International, (USAID funded project). Technical assistance to existing units and new entrepreneurs was provided that intended to venture into Agro-sector by adopting innovative technologies. Technical assistance was provided to grape exporters in Maharashtra for setting up of post harvest processing units and assistance in organizing training programs for workers. To suggest and identify innovative technologies for processing of fruits and vegetables based on market report and horticulture and floriculture crops. Technical inputs provided for formulating training program for Indian entrepreneurs at University of California, Davis, USA. This course was specifically designed for training bankers, entrepreneurs and consultants to understand Post Harvest handling practices and processing of Tropical fruit and vegetables. Two international conferences were conducted in collaboration with FINTRAC, USA / DAI a sub-contractor to Chemonics of ACE project. One conference was on "Success stories in Fruit and Vegetable Exports" and second on "Natural Products". Technical input and information provided to experts from USA for preparing strategic plans for public private participation in starting up cold storages including controlled atmosphere for oranges and apples.
Four years : Title : Local Coordinator. (Full time employed for USA firm Chemonics International Inc. on behalf of MITCON Ltd.)
( 1993 – 1997 ) Project Name: Agriculture Commercialization and Enterprise Project.
Location: Pune (initially for Maharashtra) / New Delhi
Operation Region: All India
1984 – 1997 : Chief Consultant, Maharashtra Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organization Ltd. (MITCON). Advised potential investors right from identification of project with backward and forward integration for setting up agro-industrial project. Preparation and Appraisal of market and techno-economic feasibility reports for clients in private, corporate and co-operative sector. Conduct market surveys for food and industrial products. In-plant services for improving production, quality of products and cutting down costs through better plant layout and addition of few equipments to over come bottle- necks for soft drinks, fruit and vegetable, sugar cane processing and meat processing plant, bakery units, etc. Preparing and appraising feasibility study project techno-financial analysis due to long standing experience.
Technical and financial presentation to the Board of Director of cooperative societies, companies, ICICI Bank, Industrial Development Bank of India, State co-operative and nationalized bank. Some of the Feasibility Studies conducted were: Post harvest processing and cold storage of grapes and fruits and vegetables, dairy units, and milk processing, Edible Oil processing complex, Fruit and vegetable processing, Cold storage complex, In-plant consultancy for fruit and vegetable processing unit. Market survey reports were made for various agriculture commodities and processed products in joint effort with market expert consultant and team of field surveyors.
1983 - 1984 : Weikfeild Products Ltd. as Chief Engineer of an instant food factory. Introduced concept of preventive maintenance, thus cut down in break down time, which was as high as 35% to 15%. Modified existing filling and packaging machine for very viscous in nature caramel liquid.
Personal : Indian citizen. Date of Birth: October 12th 1952.
Success stories of Shivaji are across Globe, especially in : Germany, France, Greater Britain, USA, Former Russia (Moscow), and Afghanistan on assignments as developmental projects in post conflict areas, purchase of machinery, market survey, collaborations, etc.

Dr. Anil Lamba
Dr. Anil Lamba is a chartered accountant holding degrees in commerce and law and a doctorate in taxation. He is a prolific writer and has contributed over a thousand articles to leading newspapers and magazines on topics ranging from finance to taxation, investments and company law. Organization, almost in all verticals of business and spread across the globe are benefited by Dr. Lamba.
He has done pioneering work in distance education and is the author of a series of audio visual products (capable of delivery across diverse media), on finance management, titled "figure out the world of figures"™.
Dr. Lamba is a trainer of international repute. He teaches extensively and his clients comprise several hundred large and medium sized corporations across different countries of the world.
Dr. Lamba is our consultant, as and when required, for matters pertaining to finance processes, accounting processes, business intelligence processes, incorporating artificial intelligence and MIS. Whether it is a project or a product development, at Ackcezione', it is backed up by the intelligence & expertise of Dr. Anil Lamba.
Dr. Lamba has set up a revolutionary teaching in Finance vide LAMCON. Few activities conducted at LAMCON are :
Corporate Training Programs
Finance Management
Organisations increasingly feel the need to equip non-finance executives with finance training. Lamcon regularly organizes :
Two-days program 'Understanding Numbers'
Aimed at industrialists, businessmen & non-finance executives to acquire and refine their finance management skills. At the end of the two days participants will be able to read not only balance sheets but also any other kind of financial statement. The program is designed keeping non-finance persons in mind using jargon-free, user-friendly language.
A nine week intensive training program on finance management
This Program is designed for small-scale industrialists, businessmen, women entrepreneurs, non-finance executives and self employed professionals and is practice oriented comprising of lectures, workshops, case studies, and group discussions.
In-house training programs on; ' Finance for non-finance executives'
These programs are customized to suit the specific requirements of clients.
Programs can also be devised based on specific requirements of any organization. Faculty for the above programs comprise of industry professionals with extensive training experience.
Distance Education :
Lamcon Reach our distance-learning wing creates original educational content, which is captured in audio-visual format and delivered using diverse media including cable, satellite and broadband internet.
Training Videos : "figure out the world of figures"™ is a series of 15 titles on finance management introduced by Lamcon as part of its distance education program. These videos can be used either as stand-alone learning tools or to supplement training programs. These videos are made, using jargon-free, user-friendly language. Various kinds of corporations, management schools, training institutes, banks, hotels, hospitals, builders, architects, defense services, besides individuals, small business owners, professionals, students are regular users of this product.
Finance Literacy For All – A Movement… Towards Creating A Financially Intelligent India For over 20 years, Lamcon has provided financial education in several corporate houses in India and overseas at the senior most level of management. While this has been very successful, we realize that in order to have a more meaningful impact, it is important that everybody in an organization is financially literate. All employees and workers should know how their actions affect the organizations bottom-line as well as have the ability to handle their own finances better.
In an effort to achieve this, Lamcon has launched a 'Finance Literacy for All' campaign, which is a nation-wide movement to spread financial literacy up to the grassroots level.
Dr. Aniket Joshi
Volunteer & Community Activities
Conferences & Workshops Attended
Professional Medical Education
Specialist Qualifications & Training
Dr. Aniket Joshi, highly qualified Health Informatician in India, educated in Monash University, Australia, is one of the pioneer in the stream of Health informatics. Primarily a practicing physician and intensivist, is blessed for always getting the first hand information about the changing needs and additions as well, of the medical profession.
Dr. Joshi is a rare combination of understanding the technology, its application , evaluating the lacunae in the system & treating them with both technical & medical science. application of technology to optimize medical management.
Apart from the promoter of the concept of telemedicine in India, Dr. Joshi has the Apollo telemedicine project, the first of its kind, in the country to his credit. Dr. Joshi, the chief architect for the project, has been instrumental in its successful implementation. The same project has been appreciated by the then President of United States of America, Mr. Bill Clinton.
Dr. Joshi, strongly believes that the needs of the Health Industry shall be consistently be synchronized to render possible best services to patients with the usage of IT. At Ackcezione, he has designed entire system for Health Industry and its associated verticals. The same can be installed directly with necessary logical customizations to any small hospital to institute.
Implementation of Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Health Informatics System (HIS), and Telemedicine are his strong points for consultation & has proper knowledge and firm grip for incorporating Artificial Intelligence in the software solutions.
Dr. Joshi is associated with many parallel activities in Health Industry such as medical tourism, turnkey projects for incorporating comprehensive IT solution for any Health related organization including software, Hardware, Networking & implementation as well.
Clinical experience and position
- Consultant Physician and Intensivist in various leading tertiary care centres in Pune like KEM Hospital, Jehangir Nursing Home, Sahyadri Hospital, Ruby Hall Clinic, Poona Hospital since 2004.
- Handled different cases related to Internal medicine and sub specialties including Intensive care, cardiology, neurology, oncology and others.
- Jan-2002 to May 2004, Senior Registrar in Intensive Care KEM Hospital, Pune
Volunteer & Community Activities
- Free Health camps for the annual Pandharpur, India Pilgrimage since 1989.
- Earthquake relief camp in Latur, India in 1993
Conferences & Workshops Attended
- 1998 Critical Care Congress in Pune, India.
- 2000 Telemedicine conference in Hyderabad, India
- 2000 WONCA World rural Health congress, Calgary, Canada
- Continuos Veno-Venous Hemodialysis for Acute Renal Failure In Critically Ill patients. Dr V A Lobo, Dr Aniket C Joshi, Dr F F Wadia Indian Journal of Nephrology (Abstract).December-2003.
- Association of Physicians of India
- Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine
- Indian Medical Informatics Association
- South East Asian representative in WRITE (WONCA Rural Information technology exchange)
Professional Medical Education
- 1989 -1995 MBBS, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, Shivaji University, India
- 1995-1999 FCPS(Med), College of Physicians and Surgeons, Mumbai
- 1999-2000 Grad Cert In Health Informatics, Monash University Australia.
Specialist Qualifications & Training
- Mar-1999 to December-1999-Graduate Certificate in Health Informatics from MONASH UNIVERSITY, MELBOURNE.
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